metallurgical consulting and innovation
Phone:630 324 6678
DIS Metallurgical Service
Welcome to our Crowdfunding site
We have decided to pursue crowdfunding on GoFundMe to finance our plan to bring manufacturing back to the heartland of America. Why? Because we have an idea and dream, that through innovation, tradtional manufacturing can improved and return to the United States, with American ownership and be profitable. Mainstream large equity investors do not at the moment appear to support this belief, they do not think that American owned manufacturing is the path to make America great. We believe that manufacturing is what made America great and should continue to be the backbone of our economic strength. Help make our dream, your dream. We believe with your help, we can make our dream become a reality through grassroots crowndfunding.
If you believe in the American Dream as we do, please click on the button below to invest in this dream.
An invitation from Dusan Milicevic President, Founder, Inventor and Dreamer
Dear friends,
20 years ago I came from war torn Yugoslavia, as a stateless refugee, in Canada with two small children and my wife. We had only two suitcases and a large hope that our lives are going to be better. I learned quickly that I need to re-educated myself.
At that time I did not know that I have to pay for education because I came from Yugoslavia where education was free. I met at University of Calgary my mentor professor Bill Shaw and he helped me to enroll into graduate studies. He found a way to give me job so I could earn enough money to pay for school. My two daughters and my wife were living in Medicine Hat, small town in Alberta, Canada and I was study in Calgary, Canada, three hours drive. I managed to pass all exams. Thanks to professor Show, I got job with Westaim, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada; where I did my master thesis. When I finished, we moved to USA.
I worked with several USA companies and I learned quickly I need to do something for myself and my family. I invented a new method to make crankshafts and got two USA patents. I invested my money into patents. I realized that I want to make crankshafts factory which would utilize my patents.
I also realized that my dream is big, but to tell you the truth, this country is big thanks to big dreamers like me.
I pledged you to donate " One dollar for my dream" and to share the word with all your friends.
With all donors on my board my dream is an American dream and we will succeed.
Small donation and all your contacts will make this dream happen.
Your Dusan Milicevic
If you believe in the American Dream as we do, please click on the button below to invest in this dream.
Should you have any question, please feel free to contact us.